- These methods of drilling construction activities without digging have been developing as alternative methods to the one which is already known for construction and reconstruction of subterranean channels of communication. Application of these methods has a lot of advantages over the popular one, and in some cases it is the only possible method for projects’ implementation.
- Using the drilling technology without digging, construction activities are performed without digging, without any after effects of subterranean waters, without destruction of asphalt or another type of pavement.
- There is no risk of industrial accidents since this drilling method prevents from borehole collapse or other negative aftereffects related to it. .
- The drilling technology without digging is profitable, since it is possible to avoid expensive boreholes, installation time is shortened, remediation and installation of new pipelines costs are decreased, without any remediation considerable costs.
- There is a strong social effect due to the fact that the number of digging, transport and destruction remediation activities is decreased. It is not necessary to suspend the street traffic, where the pipeline crosses the roads, thus there are no harmful effects on the environment. It is necessary to stop water supply only in case of connecting plumbing pipelines.
- The horizontal directional drilling method is extremely convenient for drilling without digging activities under buildings, congested roads, railways, installed pipelines, other obstacles, where it is not possible to perform any digging operations.
- This highly productive drilling method, requiring only entry and end borehole points with minimum dimensions, results in a decreasing trend in expenditure.
Since the conventional method features a lot of labour intensity, manual work and digging an enormous quantity of soil, it takes a lot of time and assets. The subsequent remediation of soil in order to fill the hole is a very expensive process, requiring coordination and agreement with different institutions and authorities.
The drilling length can reach from several dozens to over 1,500 m.